About Us

Oh! Hi There, my name is Santa and welcome to SUSU!

What does SUSU stand for?
Short for "susuriņš" - ( Dormouse, in English). It is a name that has been widely used in our family referring to small children, so we knew what we would call this company right from the start!

Why did we decide to create SUSU?
SUSU was born during the pandemic by me, my mom and a little help from my family. During the pandemic my mother ran into some financial difficulties and I wanted to help her. She has always loved sewing and had been doing it to make some extra money here and there - the bug caught me as well! This became our mutual hobby and we decided that it was time to share some of our ideas with the world - thus SUSU was born!

What is the mission of SUSU?
At SUSU our goal is not to become rich (outside of being able to sustain ourselves). Quite the opposite - we want to create a brand that is known for giving back to the community! Be it children, animal shelters, senior homes - you name it! We aim to eventually do monthly giveaways, donations and events based on your suggestions (even if you never purchased anything!) . If we don't have a lot of success - we will still start small, as we are active volunteers at the local shelter, we regularly donate clothes and just try to live our lives with respect towards the planet and the people in our community!

What is the Vision of SUSU?
We have a dream. A pretty huge one where we want to lead by example. We want to show that it is possible to deliver high quality goods, yet also limiting the harm to our planet. We know that textile, clothing and packaging are among the leading polluters of our waters and air and we want to limit this pollution as much as possible.

To do so we have:

- removed unsustainable and non-recyclable materials (to the extent possible);

- avoided plastic where we were able to do so (tape, stickers, packaging, tissue paper, marketing materials etc.)

- committed to only using OEKOTEX 100 fabrics that are guaranteed to cause less harm than most market alternatives. If we do expand our catalog - we would only seek sustainably and responsibly manufactured materials;

- committed to using stamps, instead of handout materials to avoid unnecessary waste;

If you have any ideas, what we could do to improve this even more - we would love to hear your ideas! <3

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
We hope to see ourselves as a "people's brand" where kids around the world wear our clothing and seeing our logo they know that a significant part of the money has gone for a better cause, instead of somebodies pocket. The brand also represents a high standard in sustainability and is synonymous with "respect for our planet". Hopefully, we can manage to make this happen and make the world a little better on a baby-step at a time!

We really care - and we hope that you do too!

With love,